After years of dyeing and weaving in my studio, I am a supportive teacher who remembers what it was like to sit at a loom for the very first time. I offer efficient methods in moving through the weaving and/or dyeing processes with enjoyment and in dealing with all the mistakes that can (and will) be made. My goals are to give beginning students the confidence and excitement to pursue weaving independently or through more instruction, give advanced students new methods and techniques to approach design and weaving, and to provide paths that will assist weavers' exploration in weaving and designing more intuitively from the right side of the brain.
My goal for dyers is to learn to dye intuitively as a watercolorist creates color as she paints instead of relying on recipes for color.
What I strive to teach is seeing the color, understanding the color and then producing the color. I think of this as learning to play an instrument by ear rather than reading music. Both are excellent skills and I encourage both sets of skills. But if one can dye by eye, that person is never at a loss for color and not at the mercy of having a recipe at hand.